Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Business Momentum: Is Your Snowball Getting Bigger?

We all know the idea behind a rolling snowball. Unlike a rolling stone that gathers no moss, snowballs gather more snow. And by so doing, get bigger. It's time to start thinking about your business as a snowball. It's a short and simple thought for the holidays.

How big is your snowball today? And how big can it get based on its change in size and projected growth since the beginning of the year?

So how do snowballs get bigger, anyway?

They roll in the right conditions.

According to an article by Caroline Hardman at STEMPlanet, the best conditions for a snowball fight are 'denser, moister snow that falls when it is near freezing'. It's not the kind that falls after freezing because that snow is too full of air crystals and won't pack. It makes sense that a rolling snowball will also grow faster when the conditions are right. If you wait too long for business conditions to be just right, you might hamper growth. So act now. Don't hesitate to take action on a strategy you believe in.

They get constantly pushed by someone.

Who's pushing your company to get better, faster, bigger, more nimble or stronger. Is it you? If not, are influencers being listened to by you and other senior managers? Make sure that those who want to influence in your organization are heard so that they are not drowned out by more passive voices.

They get some help from gravity.

It's nice to have a break from the pushing sometimes. It's nice to know that sometimes you grow with the market vs. always having to create your own inertia. But you never know how long the downhill will last so you have to be ready to create your own momentum when the market flattens out again.

They are not blocked by obstacles.

There are a lot of business obstacles that cause problems and keep your snowball from rolling. What business obstacles are in your way? Need some help? Look for unmotivated employees, poorly trained employees, wrong inventory levels (too low or too high), no clear brand promise or an outdated marketing plan.

So if you think of your business like a snowball, is yours getting bigger?

Thanks Joccay for the great photo via Flickr

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