Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

5 Ways to Create Fresh Content

Content marketing is a powerful and effective way to achieve higher business lead generation.  Generate new business with content marketing and 5 Ways to Create Fresh Content image fresh content inbound marketing1take your company to the next level.  Although you are likely very busy with diverse work responsibilities, content marketing is a worthwhile investment, since you can greatly increase the ROI of your website.  No matter what type of business you are in, content marketing takes a significant amount of time, because you need to create fresh, original content.  If you do not consider yourself a wordsmith, you can delegate or hire an inbound marketing agency to create content for you.  Whichever option you choose, to get the best results, you need to spend time managing the process.  To make content marketing more manageable, use the resources you already have.  Draw from your company's unique experience and history.

5 Fresh Content Types

1.  Case Studies

Case studies are an excellent way to create fresh content and highlight the industry expertise of your company.  If you write content that speaks to common issues and provides insightful solutions, people are likely to take notice and share your content with their contacts via social media.

2.  Statistical Content

Content that examines the latest industry statistics and facts are always an option for increasing your social content curation'getting others to amplify the reach of your content.  Any of my blog posts that mention statistics in their titles have garnered much higher numbers of views and social shares.  People like numbers, and they like to be informed.  Conduct research, find statistics and then provide commentary about what they mean for your industry.

3.  Vertical Content

Craft buyer personas; then create content that uniquely appeals to each of your vertical markets.  Make frequently asked questions and various industry trends a focus on your blog. This will position you as a trusted and credible resource in your target markets and keep your readers coming back for more.

4.  Infographics

Infographics are a great way to illustrate heavy data and complex processes.  Infographics can be used for any subject as long as you have the data to back them up.  They are generally colorful, visually appealing and can add some pizazz to your blog.  Infographics function well in social media, particularly visual sites like Pinterest.  If you can create a truly interesting and valuable infographic, it could help you earn lots of links back to your website.

5.  Video Content

Video marketing content is making a big splash.  Video offers the ability to inform and entertain viewers at the same time.  Marketers are heavily investing in video content.  If your company already has engaging presentations, you can easily turn them in to SlideShare presentations for display on your website.  SlideShare is also a great way of sharing any speaking engagements that you have delivered at industry conferences or events.  Do not get left behind; capitalize on the appeal of video content to make your website stand out.

Content marketing can seem like a daunting undertaking.  However, tapping your key business resources should make it a more manageable endeavor.  Once you have created fresh content, you should share it on the four major social networks'Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn'and syndication sites like Social Media Today and Business 2 Community.  Giving your content an extra boost via social media could help you attract a much larger captive audience for your content and increased traffic to your website.

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