Minggu, 15 April 2012

5 Inbound Marketing Quick Tips

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Recently I talked about my new encounter with inbound marketing. Since then, I have combined what I have learned to compose 5 Quick Tips to Understanding the Importance of Inbound Marketing. These guidelines help communicate why the idea of inbound marketing is so important and why everyone should know about it.

1. Organic For The Win
I myself never click on search engine paid links, and apparently no one else does either. Studies have shown that an alarming number of people always click on the organic links. Paying to have your link show up first is a waste of money when you could optimize your website for search engines and show up for free!

2. Keywords, Quality not Quantity
When a term is typed into a search engine, billions of crawlers search websites for relevant keywords that match. Loading your website with every keyword a person could think of however, is a really bad idea. It is like being the obnoxious kid in class that everyone ignores. Search engines know the difference between appropriate keywords on websites, and websites that are loading their websites to get noticed and will ignore them.

3. Blog Often
We have been told many times that having a blog is important if you want to help optimize your website. However, simply having a blog is not enough. Blogs that are updated DAILY with RELEVANT information appear to be a better source of information to search engines. Blog often and blog smart to help get your site noticed.

4. Pictures say a thousand words'but not to search engines!
When website crawlers come to your site looking for keywords or information that match a search, they cannot see what your pictures look like. For that reason, all of your pictures should have an alt attribute label. In addition, your label should directly say what the picture is. Doing this will turn your pictures into keywords that search engines can pick up on.

5. Stop Hiding, Get Found
Hide-and-seek is over, the ideas and principles behind inbound marketing can be applied to anybody or any business that can benefit from search results. Do you want people to find your business first? Do you like turning prospects into customers? Do you like saving money on advertising while still gaining business? Then inbound marketing is for you, help your customers find you!

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