Selasa, 27 November 2012

6 Tips for Balancing Work, Family and Further Study

The decision to resume studies in order to advance your career can come with many doubts. Concerns about balancing work, family and study time can make people delay taking on coursework that would lead to better jobs and a brighter future for their families. Finding ways to balance these important aspects of your life can require a bit of creativity and resolve.

Online study offers the advantage of eliminating travel time to universities and institutions, so that you can spend more time at home with family. It also eliminates the costs of travel.

1. Plan Your Day

Make a schedule that allows for adequate time for work life, family life and study life each day. This will allow you to plan your days to reduce stress.

2. Using Time Wisely

One of the biggest challenges for those trying to further their studies while dealing with family and work responsibilities is time management. The most effective ways to manage your precious time is to limit distractions by setting aside 'private time' for study, eliminating distractions like phone calls, emails and knocks on the door. You can then schedule some 'family time' to focus on the needs of spouses and children.

3. Delegate Other Tasks

You can delegate many home tasks to other family members or hire outside help for maintenance tasks and other chores. This can help you to free up time to concentrate on studies.

4. Set a Time Schedule For Tasks

When balancing work, family and study chores, you should set a time frame for tasks and try to stick to it as closely as possible. Of course, things never run smoothly, so try to be flexible on what you can reasonably accomplish on your schedule. While working, remain focused and in the moment instead of worrying about others tasks that need to be done. This will help to reduce stress and make you more productive in the task at hand.

5. Nourish Your Brain and Body

Ensure that you eat well to keep your body and brain functioning optimally. Good nutrition helps you to think more effectively and work more efficiently. Avoid high-carbohydrate snacks that cause blood sugar crashes in favor of high protein foods that provide maximum nutrition and slower release into the bloodstream.

6. Take Frequent Breaks

Frequent breaks will help to refresh you, as well as catch up on family activities. A good way to use break time is to invite your spouse or kids to exercise with you. These brief activities can help to refresh your mind and energize you for further study. Go for a brisk toss a ball or lift some weights. The movement of muscles and increase in blood flow throughout your body will help to return to your studies.

This article is courtesy of the team at The Engineering Institute of Technology, online education providers and specialists in plc courses and other engineering qualifications.

This article is an original contribution by Aaron Edwards.

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