Rabu, 28 November 2012

Get Naked with Your Salespeople [SLIDESHARE]

Get naked with your salespeopleUsing CRM you can empower your sales team for greater revenue generation opportunities and a more efficient sales pipeline.

Let it all hang out

CRM provides much more than just a way of storing contact details.

'One of the key elements of any CRM plan is integration, the unification of all your company's data sources to create a single, holistic view of each customer.' ' DestinationCRM.com

You can use Customer Relationship Management software to:

  • Create a central, authoritative repository of information so everyone is on the same page
  • Increase accountability - Who is doing what? When? Why?
  • Get a 360 degree view - Shared customer records create a 360 degree view of each client and contact allowing a better quality of customised service to be offered
  • Integrate different departments ' With a harmonised system, everyone from finance to sales can see each customers journey at a glance, making the processes of lead management and customer care smoother and simpler.

Why get naked?

Going naked ' that is, shedding opaque processes to move to a more transparent CRM system ' could be the shrewdest business move you make.

What do you get for your nakedness?

  • Quick access to accurate data allowing for faster business decisions
  • Better auditing and analysis to see what is and is not working
  • Granular sales forecast analysis for improved financial planning

'Business processes that were driven by departmental efficiencies will evolve to serve company-wide needs instead.' ' Gautam Parasnis, IBM BCS.

Lose the clothes or lose the business

'Information silos are more than just inefficient, they hinder a company's ability to serve customers and succeed with its strategy. Without a unified view of the customer, marketing, sales and service/support departments will all be working in the dark, chasing goals that don't fulfil the organization's broader ones.' DestinationCRM.com

Download the free How to avoid CRM backlash eGuide from Workbooks to get your journey to CRM nudity underway.

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