Senin, 31 Desember 2012

New Year, New You

With the current year coming to a close, it is often a time for reflection. Many of us think about what we can do better in the New Year. I for one personally think about how I am going to run more during the week (running in my pjs for 10 minutes in my bedroom is not cutting it), cut out one of my six cups of coffee during the day, and be better about excessive Amazon shopping (even though I have Prime and save on shipping!). I also am going to think about how as a marketer I can do a few things differently as well.

Resolution #1: Collect data, but make sure you use it!

I love data. People that know me either like this personal feature or want to throw sharpened pencils at my head when I bring up yet another excel spreadsheet or chart in PowerPoint. That being said, data only matters if you use it to inform or make decisions. I have been in many situations where numbers are collected, reports are run, but not much is ever done with the data. So, resolution one for this coming year ' collect the data ' but make sure you use it; otherwise it really doesn't matter much. Decide what decision you need to make before you spend time pulling reports or Excel-izing.

Resolution #2: Chill out on unwieldy lists.

I also love lists. My desk resembles a battleground of stickies and notes of all sizes trying to stake their claim to some bit of space. Marketers are spread thin and pulled in many directions. Lists are one approach to create some order in a normally chaotic state. Resolution two ' chill out on the unwieldy lists. You cannot do everything, and the best marketers focus and figure out what they need to do to hit their marketing objectives. If you examine what action items you are given throughout the day ' continually challenge those and make sure your list stays focused and narrow in on what you need to get done to drive objectives. I may not give up having a list, but I am aiming for one (not several) and it will have fewer things on it.

Resolution #3: If you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same results.

Lastly, as a marketer, I thrive on what is new. I like new food trends (minus the bacon donuts) and I have some concerns about Celine's Sesame Street inspired footwear, but pushing the envelope is good! In 2012, we saw strong themes around social, collaboration tools, and content marketing and I am excited to see what will emerge this coming year. Regardless of the trend, I am going to try to do something wild and new. Resolution three ' If you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same results ' so this is the year to go for it! We all get busy and have more than ever to get done during a day but identify one thing you can try to do differently in your marketing organization. It could be big or small, but pushing on innovation is what will make your marketing better and this coming year truly new.

What are some of your New Year's resolutions?

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