Kamis, 29 November 2012

B2C Content Marketing ' Part 4: Creating a Variety of Content

One size definitely doesn't fit all when it comes to content marketing. Different people need different content, for many reasons' perhaps they are varying stages of the buying cycle, or they learn better from visual stimuli than from its textual counterpart. Either way, content marketers know they need to be providing a wide variety of content.

So how can you achieve this? Well, it's all about thinking creatively; finding new ways to present your content, instead of always opting for your go-to medium.


Thanks to stephenslighthouse.com for the image

If your company has just undertaken a big batch of market research, what would you usually do with the results? Stick them in a report or a whitepaper? Ditch it. Surprise your audience by creating an infographic.

Infographics are a great way of presenting information, as they can catch people's eyes and still convey valuable content. For example, check out this cool infographic on' well, infographics! It explains quickly and concisely what these are, in a visually stimulating way. Wouldn't you rather look at this than read through a page of words explaining what the medium entails?


If you're contemplating creating a series of guides for your existing and prospective consumers ' be it about constructing flat-pack furniture or cooking the perfect Christmas dinner ' don't just opt for the usual downloadable PDF. Instead, create a series of podcasts and publish them on your website.

Not everyone has the time or inclination needed to read a 10-page document, but if you offer an audio file, they can have it on in the background ' or listen to it whilst doing said activity. This could help you reach a new audience and although you can complement these with transcripts (some people like having words for reference), opting for podcasts could help you break into a market you never thought you could reach.

Case studies

You've just had a glowing review publishing on your website. You know everyone who visits your website will see it, but what about those prospective consumers who are still at the research phase of the buying process? Those at the research stage of the buying processes have usually shortlisted a few suppliers of whatever it is they're after. They've got one foot in the door, but it's up to you to convince them to take the full step.

Rack your brains. Do you have any particularly happy customers? Any who have just left a glowing review on your site, or sent you over a testimonial? Turn this positive feedback into a solid case study; proving your worth via a real-life situation. You can boast about your product until you're blue in the face, but unless your prospective consumers know it really works, they could remain unconvinced.

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