Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Parallax Scrolling: How to Use it For Your Business

User experience is something that is become more and more important recently ' especially with the growth of online businesses and ecommerce. The reality is, now, that without good user experience online - you aren't going to build and grow that loyal customer base that most businesses need to survive. Whilst there are many ways to improve your user experience online (content navigation, design all being aspects) one of my favourite ways, is making your website visually appealing, memorable and special.

Good user experience is the one thing that can really set you apart from your competition, and this is where Parallax Scrolling really falls into place and excels.  It's about making your user's journey through your website pleasurable, easy, simple and most importantly ' efficient (bad user experience is often due to lack of good design, faulty servers of bad copy and content) and Parallax scrolling is one of those great design trends that can really turn a website around.

So how can Parallax Scrolling help?

In simple terms, Parallax scrolling is a web design choice, which (when done properly) gives your website a fluid, modern, feel that makes the website easier to navigate and more visually intriguing and interesting too. It's a design choice that can immediately set your website apart from your competitors and something that says 'Hey, we take pride on our web presence. It's something that gives of the air of professionalism and effort ' whilst also being fun, and modern. In short ' it injects a bit of personality into your website ' and gives your user something intriguing to interact with ' rather than just passively taking on the text or copy.

Parallax scrolling is something which could work for any industry really, although (as you'd expect) the industries which have embraced it mainly are creative agencies, web designers and advertising agencies. But what makes this trend so accessible is how easily you can transfer it into any industry and niche. I actually think Parallax scrolling would work great for those stereotypically 'dull' topics just as well as it works for the exciting and engaging industries. At the moment, with tradition design ' we find dull industries (such as banking, insurance, tax, etc) a chore to read ' yet I feel introducing Parallax scrolling would increase you stay-time of your users, and encourage them to read the content as it's more visually engaging. Whereas with traditional design, people may be reluctant to explore your content and read it ' adding an interesting structure such as parallax scrolling ' could add enough intrigue to keep them on the site longer ' and keep them interested with the content.

As with anything design related though ' you'll want to ensure you've got a great server that can support the design (the las thing you want is a slow website  especially with design feature like this) so make sure you compare hosting and decide on one that fits. You'll also want a decent web designer to do this for you for is experienced with the technique and the concept you're after.

There are some brands who are already excelling with Parallax Scrolling: 

- FK Agency

Unsurprisingly, a creative agency top the list first off. I like the quirkiness of there designs and the edgy images they use as part of the Parallax Scrolling. It's multi-dimensional too ' and the top image is a horizontal tilt, and the rest of the page scrolls down.

-       Carmilla Vampire Store

This is a really quirky website and niche ' which needs web design equally as impressive to go alongside it. I love this website ' the colours are perfect, and the horizontal scrolling tells just as much of a story as the product itself.

- Air Jordan 

This is my favourite on the list, as the diagonal scrolling is something that is visuall different and pulls you straight in. I love the story it tells too ' without needing any words ' you can completely immerse in everything the product is about. There are some incredibly smart and savvy design choices here.

This article is an original contribution by Elle-Rose Williams.

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