'May you have the vision to recognize the door that is yours, courage to open it, and wisdom to walk through.' ~ Pat L. Richardson
Vision. Courage. Wisdom.
I can sum up the most transformational times in my life with one or all of those words. I suspect you can too.
During times of great change and growth in our lives we rely on our clear vision to direct us, and our courage to persevere when change becomes scary and uncomfortable, as it often does. And while you might think it's courage that also empowers us to finally 'walk through' the door, it's actually the wisdom that comes from our inner knowing that it's not just our door, it's our journey. Sometimes we just know we are meant to walk through that door.
On Tuesday, October 12th, 2010 I walked through a new door with my friend Steve Woodruff as we launched Leadership Chat.
I had approached Steve with the idea of creating Leadership Chat about a month prior, when my Visionary Leadership Blog was still in its infancy and I was embarking on a new leg of my career journey. I had run the idea by one man who has endearingly encouraged me in all my online endeavors during the last few years, including the creation of my blog, my friend Mack Collier. I told Mack I thought Steve and I would make a great team, and he absolutely agreed.
Steve was not only willing to try something new, he was willing to commit to spending an hour every single Tuesday night working with me'which qualifies him as legally insane! Getting to know Steve and collaborating closely with him has been a true blessing, one I will be forever grateful for. He is one of the greatest and most remarkable gentlemen I have the pleasure to know.
I can't thank Mack enough for the encouragement and Steve enough for walking through the 'Leadership Chat door' with me those many months ago, and for the vision, courage and wisdom he has shared with me during this entire experience. I know as we both walk out this door, we will be energized by the new paths we've each found and are truly passionate about. Of course, I am hopeful we'll find new ways to collaborate in the future!
The Power of Letting Go; the Disempowerment of Attachment
I wrote a few weeks ago about the true power in knowing when it's time to let something go ' like Leadership Chat, which has been so important to me, and the power of doing so with purpose. I was reminded of this message a few days ago in a letter my new business partner wrote for our team about happiness. The letter reminded me that in virtually every spiritual philosophy attachment is synonymous with suffering, but happiness without reason is the ultimate freedom. You can let go of whatever it is you are attached to and still make a choice to be happy.
For me, it's very easy to become attached ' to people, to experiences, to the success of certain initiatives and desired outcomes. What the letter went on to say that I found so impactful was:
'If we attach ourselves and cling on to relationships in fear of losing them, or hold onto money with fear of loss or lack, if we lose sight of faith when we Know we have the power within to change it all, we not only risk being imprisoned by deception, we will always feel apprehensive and live in the shadows of fear.'
But we do have a choice. To acknowledge our attachment, release it, and choose happiness. To, 'Ask if you loved and appreciated those moments with that someone or that something. If yes, bank it into your Happy Bank, if not, choose to change that next time.'
I absolutely loved every moment I was able to spend working on Leadership Chat and co-leading the chat each week. It has been an honor and privilege to meet and share insights with so many brilliant leaders and guest hosts from around the world. We talked about topics as far-reaching as vulnerability and courage, to the differences between how men and women lead. Every week was unique, and every week I was enriched by the presence of amazing people and the wisdom that was shared.
So, although I have become wildly attached to Leadership Chat, I know in my heart it is time to let it go. It is time to appreciate all the moments whilst I walk through the door and onto new paths.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those of you who were there with us from the very beginning, those who just found us last week, and all those in between. Everyone contributed in their own way and added to the richness of the Leadership Chat Community! I mean it when I say you have each touched my life and made it better. I am forever grateful.
Please join me and Steve on Tuesday evening, May 29th at 8:00 pm Eastern Time on Twitter as we host our Grand Finale ' the farewell edition of Leadership Chat. It won't be the same without you ' we hope to see you there!
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Being an introvert is truly an advantage in business and leadership if you know how to leverage it, and if you remain true to yourself.
Photo of The Open Door by mRio.
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