Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

What's Your Story? (And How Well Are You Telling It?)

A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words

They say that a picture is worth a 1000 words. I say it is worth 1000 emotions. After reading Gini Dietrich's post last week appropriately titled 'The 10 Things I Want to Do Before I Die', I was reminded of how I want to get my masters in photojournalism. Photography, both taking photos and looking at them, is one of my favorite escapes. When I look at photos, I'm teleported to another time or space. I've spent countless hours looking at Zach Arias' and Ansel Adams' art as well as hundreds of others.

Last year, I found Instagram after reading about how billions of photos were being uploaded to social photo sites. Consequently, within a few hours I had a mad APP Crush. I love looking at other people's photos. Photos of life. Photos of creation. Photos of art. Some are bad, and some are breath taking. Some of my favorites include #Tattoos, #Pittbulls, and a few other things.

Not long after joining Instagram, I found photographer Wendi Williams. Her account includes images of the tattoo shop she works in, Rockstar drinks, her pets, and the images that convey how many days till her husband comes home from Afghanistan. This countdown is what pulled me in. I'll comment from time to time about our common love of tattoos and who I should trust to do mine. I always looked forward to her next post.

One particular morning, I started my day doing the same thing I do every day ' laying in bed looking at Instagram. One photo took my breath away like a solid kick to the chest:Eric Edwards Williams

Wendi's husband had been killed in Afghanistan.

I felt like I lost a buddy. Even though I never met him, if I had walked down a street and seen him, I would have instantly recognized him. It hurt. The photo that she posted of him was priceless; it spoke more than a thousand words in one moment.

I've never met Wendi, but I feel like I know her. We've never talked, yet I feel like we've lived life together. The skeptics will say that we have a faux friendship (blaaah, blaaah, blaaah). But, that doesn't matter to me. Wendi eloquently told her story through Instagram photos. She did it so well that I feel that I know her better than some of my 'real, in-person' friends.

Here are some of the reasons why Wendi rocks at telling her story:

  1. It is her unique story unlike any other.
  2. She isn't afraid to be different and stand out from the crowd.
  3. She invites everyone into her life.
  4. She relates to people to who talk to her.
  5. She is honest.

How Well Are You Telling Your Story?

How do you tell your story? Are you telling it well? Read through some of your online content from a different perspective or have a third party check it out. Does your personality shine through? Don't be boring (unless that's how you really are in person!), and don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Engaging storytellers draw their readers in and leave them wanting more. Like I said above, I am always waiting for Wendi's new photos to pop up on Instagram. Be like Wendi!

This Post Is Dedicated to SGT Eric E. Williams

Photos From Wendi Williams

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