Senin, 10 September 2012

Content Marketing Ideas From Content Marketing World

This week, I'm kicking off a new series to share some of the most useful content marketing ideas to come out of Content Marketing World 2012.

content marketing worldAt Content Marketing World, held September 4-6 in Columbus, Ohio, I had the opportunity to drop in on a workshop hosted by C.C. Chapman, the Co-Author of Content Rules. Entitled 'Transforming Your Small Business into a Content Powerhouse,' his 45-minute session offered up some fundamental content marketing ideas for companies looking to set up a content marketing program.

Here's a recap of some of the content marketing ideas he offered that I've adapted from his presentation at Content Marketing World:

1. Embrace the fact that you're a publisher. Although it's primarily a question of mentality, to be successful in content marketing, you've got to think and act like a publisher. Create an editorial calendar and organize your content and strategy around it.

2. Get your house in order. Before you can run a successful content marketing program, you've got to have some basics in place. For example, do you have a website where you can post and update content on a regular basis yourself (i.e., without the help of IT) And, do you have the right social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other relevant social media channels? If someone's looking for you, they better be able to find you in all of those places.

3. Know what your story is. You need to understand what it is that you're trying to communicate. After all, if you don't understand it, how can you expect to explain so that anyone else will.

4. No one has enough time and money. Pointing to a lack of time or money as an excuse not to do content marketing just doesn't work. The issue isn't how much time or money you have, it's how you allocate whatever time and money you do have toward content marketing. If you're doing any marketing at all, some of it needs to be content marketing.

5. Have a strategy before you start doing anything. Great plans are ones that are well thought out. Take the time to develop a strategy around your content marketing efforts to ensure that you've got a plan that will help ensure your success. Remember, only fools rush in.

6. Play to your strengths. One of the most important things to remember when starting out in content marketing is to begin by doing whatever you like and do well. Have a knack for photography? Then maybe you should start by getting set up on Pinterest. Really like video? Then maybe you should get started creating content for YouTube.

7. What is unique about you? There's something unique about every company and every person. Figure out what's unique about your company and play that angle up. Your employees ' one of your company's most unique assets ' is a great place to start.

8. Think visually. Keep in mind that the Web is visual. As much as people love words, they love pictures even more. Plus, in an age where people skim more than they read, catching people's attention with great pictures is key.

9. Keep an eye on what others are doing. If your competitors, customers, or peers are talking about or doing something, chances are that you should be too. You've got to have your finger on the pulse of your industry.

10. Think long term. Content marketing is a long-term play. You can't start it today and expect to see results tomorrow. Commit for the long haul and over time your hard work and patience will be rewarded.

I'll be sharing more great content marketing ideas and lessons I learned at Content Marketing World over the coming weeks. Please let me know your thoughts!

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