Whenever you talk to artists, you may hear them talk about 'the muse' or their 'flow''that period of time when the world seems to disappear and an intense focus sets in. You feel inspired, as if you can accomplish anything that you want to take on. Of course, many artists will give this proverbial muse a mythical aspect, and they say that you can't really will your flow into being. It just happens. Personally, I think this is a little bit misleading. Sometime it will happen spontaneously, but I think there are things that any of us in any line of work can do reign in your flow and make it work for you. Here's how to into the flow as an Internet marketer:
1. Step away from the computer.
If you're trying to get into the flow at work, it's likely that you are sitting right in front of your computer. And you've likely been sitting in front of your computer for hours. If there's any way to kill your flow, it's by doing precisely this. Before you can hope to get anything done, you'll have to disengage your brain and your eyes from the screen. Take fifteen minutes. Go outside. Breathe deeply.
2. Make sure you understand your task in a way that makes it purposeful.
There are many components at work that feel pointless. However, your flow will never set in if you are working on something that has no purpose. Before you sit down to complete your task, try to understand what significance it will have in the grand scheme of things. Even if you are just replying to client or in-office emails, try to imagine what these emails will accomplish for your work as a whole. Once you can feel that sense of purpose, your flow will begin.
3. When you feel yourself starting to think too hard, take a break.
The very definition of flow is something that is continuous and effortless. If you find yourself having to stop and think too hard, if you find yourself slogging through your work, flow will not come. As such, if you find yourself stuck, take a break. This doesn't necessarily mean that you waste an hour of your time. Instead, grab a coffee, get some fresh air, and work on something else entirely. Whenever your brain is moving slowly, it's time to stop. When you work on something else, your mind is subconsciously engaging in what you found so difficult. Once you get back to the difficult task, your subconscious has figured it out and your flow begins.
Of course, even if you follow all my tips to a T, that doesn't necessarily mean you'll get into the flow. And some people get into the flow in different ways than others. Next time you do find yourself 'flowing, ' as it were, be sure to observe your behavior at the time, and try doing the same things to engage your concentration later. Good luck!
This article is an original contribution by Maria Rainier.
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