Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Auto-Publish Blogs for 50% more B2B Leads

b2b marketingAs an inbound marketer, you're probably in cahoots with tens of thousands of other inbound marketers across the globe in search for an effective method to gain more b2b leads. It is quite safe to say that nowadays you can't survive getting any leads without social media integration. Promoting your products and/or services is one of the most effective and vital processes of inbound b2b lead generation. However, this might not give you just a piece of the pie and not the entire thing.

So what's lacking? A recent entry at the Hubspot blog, entitled 'Companies That Auto-Publish to Social Media Generate 50% More Leads [New Data]' states just that.

The guys at Hubspot has graced us with pertinent data regarding the effectiveness of auto-publishing blog posts to suit one's advertising efforts for generating more leads. The blog post has indicated that within 3,308 B2B and B2C companies, there is a recorded 576 leads generated to those companies that did not use blog auto-publishing whereas 865 leads have been generated with auto-publishing. On the same note, Hubspot has studied that within 8,892 B2B and B2C companies, a recorded 308 leads were generated with the aid of social media scheduling whereas 981 leads were generated with social media scheduling.

At their graphs, it can be clearly seen that there is a near 40% increase in leads generated with blog auto publishing and a whopping 300% increase when social media scheduling is applied.

Nonetheless, there are still a few things to take into consideration before you start any blog auto-publishing or social media scheduling. After all, if you want to generate more leads then you have to do it right.

  1. Optimize the title and content of your blog post

    First thing's first, you have to focus on your targeted keywords. However, you have to make it so that you attract the attention of your targeted market. A title that plainly says something like 'commercial cleaning leads'won't really give you that much attention.

  2. Provide readers with tweetable content

    Whenever you post something, give your readers something to focus their eyes upon. For example, you can bold a portion or phrase out of your blog post or article to highlight the importance of that to the topic. For instance, you can indicate in your post on how your prospects can get more cleaning leads. This can get their attention immediately and lets them read the entire article for them to find out more about how they can acquire more leads for their cleaning services.

  3. Install social media sharing buttons

    Within your website, don't forget to put in a plug-in or two with easy access to social media sharing. This lets your readers easily share your content with a click of a button. The easier that your content gets shared, the more chances that your blog will spread throughout the World Wide Web.

  4. Consider a tool the lets you auto-publish your posts and social media activity

    There are many softwares out there that you can download in order to spread the word about your blog at scheduled times and dates. For one, Hootsuite is one great option that allows you to schedule posts and allows you flexibility on where you want to post them. The good thing about this tool is it is only an on-line application; hence, no download is required.

  5. Know the best times to publish your content

    Do a bit of research beforehand on the best times to publish your content. Also take into consideration the market that you are planning to target. As of late, a lot of people agree that reading blogs is now the morning newspaper. So, as an example, when you want to target states within the east coast of the United States, make it so that you publish at the times that they're sipping their morning coffee.

Do you still need excuses on why you shouldn't ramp up your blog posting and social media activity? Does auto-publishing posts still need to be questioned further?

This article is an original contribution by Matt Ford.

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